
Tuesday, 23 April 2013

And so it begins....

A little about me:

I'm a 20 something, stay at home mum to two boisterous boys {6 & 3 years old}.
I'm married to a great man, who works hard so that I can stay home while the boys are little.
I really enjoy motherhood. Most of the time. The rest of the time, I wish they had a mute button, or a pause button. Who am I kidding, a lot of the time I wish they had both!
I'm of the opinion new parents should be taught a basic sleeper hold before leaving the hospital with their new baby. Imagine....

BK (before kids) I was a veterinary nurse. I think dealing with ferocious Fido and cantankerous Kitty helped prepare me for motherhood. If I can get a worm table down the throat of a hissing, spitting, ball of fur and claws, I'm getting these antibiotics down your throat kiddo, give it up!

I'm a baker, a crafter, a creator, a (wannabe) photographer and a tv tragic.
I'm an animal lover (except for Plovers, I have a deep rooted and unfounded aversion to Plovers), a people pleaser, a Pinterest junkie and a master procrastinator.

I hope that in starting this blog, I will be held accountable to actually finish the myriad of projects I start (probably not, bets are on as to when I lose interesting in this whole blogging thing).
I plan on sharing my projects, ideas and thoughts with you, minus the sugar coating.

Life and all it's happy coincidences...


  1. welcome to the world of blogging! would be nice to see all your projects!

  2. Yay, Lauren! I've loved seeing photos of your projects on Instagram and it'll be so nice to see more details on your new blog. Congratulations!
    Sarah x

  3. Yay, you did it!
    You can do it, and you're inspiring me to get back to it (blogging) too.
    Look forward to the projects, too.


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